Thursday, February 7, 2013

Artic Wolf is Canadian Artic Animal

Arctic wolf (Canis lupus arctos), also called snow white wolf or wolf, is a subspecies of the gray wolf, mammal of the family Canidae. Arctic wolves inhabit the Canadian Arctic, Alaska, and the northern part of Greenland. They also have white fur and long canine teeth to kill prey.

Arctic wolves inhabit the Canadian Arctic and the islands, part of Alaska and the northern part of Greenland. Its habitat stretches from 70 ° North Latitude and higher. They have lived in North America for more than two million years. When they find the nest, they make some space for food and young. Arctic wolf is a subspecies of the Gray Wolf that still only be found in the entire range of the original, especially because, in their natural habitat, they rarely encounter humans. Arctic wolf is also the only subspecies of the wolf is not endangered - their remote home means that they are relatively safe from human activity, both in terms of habitat destruction and hunting.

Their habitat is very hard and isolated, and little effort of scientists to the world that during the winter season, long and dark - even the majority of Inuit live further south of the Arctic wolf. As a result, the details of their lives through many years barely known.

Arctic wolves can withstand arctic weather, with the help of their fur are really isolated. They can survive in temperatures below zero for many years, in absolute darkness for five months a year, and without food for weeks. Arctic wolves usually travel in packs of 2 to 20. They live in small family groups: breeding pair (alpha male and female) and their puppy, or a baby wolf. This package work together to feed and treat their pups. Lone Arctic wolves are young men who have left their pack to find their own territory. They avoid other wolves, unless they are able to marry. Having found an abandoned area, the only Arctic wolves will claim to mark their territory with his scent, then gather other wolf into the packaging. When the female is pregnant, she leaves pack to dig dens to raise their children. If the ice is too thick, she will move into the workspace or cave to make a home.

Like all wolves, Arctic wolves hunt in packs, preying mainly on caribou and muskoxen, but also arctic hares, seals, Ptarmigan, lemming, and small animals such as waterfowl. Due to lack of prey, they roam over large areas, with up to 2,600 km2 (1,000 sq mi), and follow the caribou migrate south for the winter, to a source of food. They are not fast runners, instead relying on stamina to register victims.

Adult wolf has 42 teeth, their main weapon in hunting. They swallow food in large discount, barely chewing it. They eat all their prey, including the bones. Wolf can eat up to 20 pounds (9 kg) of meat at one meal. When they return from the hunt, wolves regurgitate some food to hungry dogs.

Because the Arctic permafrost soil and the difficulties often posed to dig dens, polar wolves often use rocks, caves or even shallow depression in the nest instead. After around 63 days gestation to 75 days, born in late May to early June, about a month later than Gray Wolves. The mother gave birth to two or three puppies, although there may be as much as 12. This is less than wolf pups gray, with four to five. It is generally thought that the lower figure was due to prey depletion in the Arctic. Pups are born blind and deaf, and weigh about a pound. They depend on their parents for food and protection. When those 5 weeks, they are allowed outside the workspace. Other wolves in the pack can treat mom to her puppies back with food..

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