Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Siamese Cat

The people of Siam (Thai: วิเชียร มา ศ, RTGS: Wichianmat) is one of the descendants of the first clearly recognized Oriental cat. Breed originated in Thailand (then known as Siam), where they are one of the original race number and called Wichian Mat (วิเชียร มา ศ, name meaning "moon diamond"). In the 20th century Siamese cat became one of the most popular race in Europe and North America.

Siam Thai people or traditional Siamese shares some features with modern (for example, coat color patterns and short individuals, although not as short and "drawn" as modern), but differs in the head and body type. It has a "foreign" type (not elongate, leg, bending, but in reality, with Boning is) not "oriental" type as in the modern Siamese and Oriental descent and have a modified wedge head, with rounded cheeks of a wedge-shaped nozzle projects (or "Marten face" as mentioned in the explanation of the 19th century). Large enough ear higher than the modern Siamese. Eyes are medium to slightly large, almond shape but was not very "oriental."

Breed standards of the modern Siamese have shown a body, elegant, sleek, stylish, flexible and muscular. The head is triangular, with a good nose.
Eyes are almond shaped and oblique, with large wide based ears are placed more towards the side of the head. This position should form a perfect triangle from the tip of the nose end of each ear. It has an elegant long neck and slender body and thin tail. Fur short, shiny, smooth, soft, strong, and to comply with the lower layers of the body is not. Siam those marked with a special color scheme pointed.
Pointed pattern is a form of partial albinism, resulting from a mutation in tyrosinase, an enzyme involved in melanin production. Mutated enzyme is heat-sensitive;. Failed to work at normal body temperature, but becomes active in the area cool on the skin This led to the dark coloration in the coolest part of the body of cats, including the extremities and face, which is cooled by the air through the sinuses. All children Siamese cat, although pure cream or white at birth, develop visible points in the first few months of life in colder parts of their bodies. At four-week-old kitten, eye-eye must be clearly distinguishable enough to recognize their color. Siamese cats tend to dark with age, and generally adult Siamese living in warm climates have lighter than their jackets in winter. Initially most of the Siamese had seal (extremely dark brown, almost black) eyes, but sometimes Siam was born with blue (cool gray) points, the genetic influence of dilution on seal point (lighter brown) brown eyes, seal genetic variation point, or purple (pale warm gray) points, genetically dilusian chocolate. The colors were at first considered "inferior" seal points, and are not eligible to show or breed. All shades finally accepted by the breed associations, and become more common through breeding programs specifically aimed at producing these colors. Later, outcrosses with other descendants who developed Siamese-mix cats with points in other cat colors and patterns including red and cream point, lynx (cat) point, and tortoise-shell ("tortie") point.
In England, all pointed Siamese-style cats are considered as part of the Siamese breed. In the United States, registry of cats, Cat breeders Association, considers only the four original colourations as Siamese: seal point, blue point, chocolate point, and the purple dot. Oriental cats with colourpoints in color or pattern other than the four considered Shorthairs in luxury cat colorpoint America.

Many Siamese cats from Thailand had a rigidity in their heads, but for many years, these properties are considered as disabled and farmers has been largely eradicated, although still some street cats in Thailand. Siamese cats also have a variety of optics. Same albino allele that produces colored eyes blue eyes means that they do not have tapetum lucidum, which strengthens the structure glimmer in the eyes of other cats. Mutation in tyrosinase also produces abnormal nerve connections between the eye and brain kiasme uncrossed optic cable has abnormal. Early Siamese squint much to compensate, but as a twisted tail, crossed eyes have been seen as an offense and because of the nature of selective breeding is far less common today. Unlike many other blue-eyed white cats, Siamese cats do not have the capability hearing.


Siam is usually very dear and intelligent cats, renowned for their social nature. Many enjoy the togetherness with the people and is sometimes described as "extrovert". Often they bond strongly to one person. Some Siamese are very vocal, with low-pitched loud noise - known as "Meezer", from where they had a name they call - compared with a human baby crying, and persistent in demanding attention. These cats are usually active and funny, even as adults, and often described as more dog-like in behavior from other cats.
They are sometimes less active at night than during the day most of the cats, probably due to their lack of tapetum lucidum night view of the poor relative to other cats.

Based on the Swedish insurance data, which revealed Siamese and Siamese breeds have a higher mortality rate compared with other races. The average lifespan of Siamese is somewhere between 10 to 12.5 years. Survival of 12.5 years was 42%. Based on the statistics of Sweden, the majority of deaths caused by neoplasms, tumors, especially milk. The Siamese also have higher levels of morbidity. Those who are at high risk of neoplastic and gastrointestinal problems, but have a lower risk of urinary tract disease the cat. It should be noted that the Swedish insurance data detected only cat to 12.5 years, and estimated that less than 50% of the pure-bred cats insured in Sweden. In addition, the data do not distinguish between breed cats and cats spayed / dikebiri, the second group had a lower incidence of certain types of cancer (when spayed / dikebiri early enough), the data do not distinguish between indoor / outdoor and indoor-only cats (in the room The only cat has no risk of trauma in a traffic accident, and tend to contract or virus infection from other cats).
The most common abnormality of PRA-Progressive retinal atrophy in cats (among them the Abyssinian, the Somali people and a large group of related Siamese descent) associated with mutations in the gene rdAc-and-ready DNA test.

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