Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bengal Tiger

"Tiger, tiger burning bright
in the jungle night,
What immortal hand or eye
Symmetry can frame thy fear? "
- William Blake -

That glory, mystical charm of the government of Bengal Tiger has inspired poets, artists, painters, photographers and millions of admirers around the world. But, sad to say, Bengal tiger is a species decline, barely holding on the existence of bounds.

Largest member of the family cat, tiger or "Panthera Tigris' is a hunter, graceful solitary. Bengal tiger found in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China and Nepal. Latest Census pegs sheer number of people in 3500. In the 1970s this number had reached all time low of 1200. But through concerted efforts and wildlife protection NGOs, persuaded the government of India tiger numbers and carefully preserved in sacred places and the zoo. An unfortunate fall out of the artificial environment in which these tigers that are kept is that the tigers have lost their genetic purity. Tigers who was born and raised in captivity show genetic variation. That is, if this trend continues, it is possible that the Bengal tiger as we know it now will be really spoiled in a few years.

Among the Bengal tiger, the most preferred species, rare and interesting is the white tiger. This is very rare that in about 100 years only 12 white tigers have been seen all over India. Good subspecies or a mixture of clever made, white tigers are pure white with black lines, as opposed to a normal tiger orangish coat. White tigers are generally descendants of the Bengal tiger that has a specific recessive gene needed for white coloring. Interestingly, the pure white tiger free from even karakteristiknya lines, although this is very rare.

Hunting wildlife, felling trees and hunting - these are three main reasons which have caused the decline of tiger populations. Bengal tigers also mistakenly viewed as a predatory male, though usually the tiger did not eat human flesh. This is their wildlife Menyusutnya that forced some of the tigers have lost hope. Bengal Tigers, like all tigers are very strong, muscular and agile. They are very good swimmers though they generally avoid climbing trees. Their favorite foods include deer, sambar, deer, elephants, deer and Gaur. Tiger runners not hard, they usually stalk their prey and pounce. Once they had killed the victim, the tiger back the dead preying for 3-5 feed. After a heavy meal, usually tiger hungry for several days.

Number of children born tiger Bengal tiger in the wild naturally decrease. A healthy litter usually consists of 4 pieces baby, from which two survive until adulthood. The children weaned at the time they reached the age of 6 months. After this, they follow its mother for about one year, for a period they learn to become a good hunter. Mother may remove the children as she was preparing for a new litter from her, after this the tiger away from their original territory and build their own.

Bengal tiger, killing as a sport and entertainment from the heydays of the British Raj to the present is bleak reminder of how close people come to defeat all forms of life on earth. Even the brilliant Bengal Tiger is known for the strength of body and mind can not hold its own against the cruelty of man.

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