Friday, July 20, 2012

Sea Turtle

Sea Turtle is a turtle who lived almost all their lives at sea. Once they hatch and reach the sea, they return to land to lay eggs. Men never return to land after they make their way to the waterfront as a baby turtle.

A total of seven species of sea turtles in the world. There used to be eight recognized species, but research and DNA studies show that green turtles and the East Pacific black turtle is actually the same species, so the total to seven. Flat seven species of sea turtles, green sea turtle, hawksbill sea, Kemp Ridley turtle, Leatherback turtle, loggerhead sea turtles and Olive Ridley sea turtles.

Six of the species of the family owned Cheloniidae, the exemption as leatherback turtles, including Dermochelyidae family. The Dermochelyidae family consists only of this species. Starfruit is also the only sea turtle species that have not had a hard shell. Instead, tt has keels under rough skin that gives the name of common species.

Turtle is believed to have a life expectancy of 80 years or more. Some species have 30 years to mature before they return to shore to lay eggs themselves.

The largest species of turtle leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). It can grow to 7 ft long (2 m) and 5 ft (1.5 m) wide, and weigh up to 1300 pounds (650 kg). Other species of turtles, their bodies are smaller and more narrow.

Turtles found in all oceans of the world except the Arctic Ocean and spent most of their time below the surface. However, they need to surface for air, with different species on the surface different frequencies. Green turtles can be active for example under water for 4-5 minutes after the necessary surface for air. It only has a stay on the surface for 1-3 seconds before they can dive and stay down for 4-5 minutes. Lower surface of this time due to the fact that the lungs have been developed to enable rapid exchange of air, including oxygen. Turtle can stay under water for a longer time when they are dormant and can rest on the seabed for several hours without needing to surface. Stress also affects how long they can go without having to come to the surface to breathe and this is why they are quickly drowned when caught in fishing nets and trawling fishing.

Turtles eat a lot of salty foods such as jelly fish and have salt glands ekskretoris to remove added salt. This gland is located at the corner of their eyes and nostrils leatherback turtles in other species.

Turtles use Earth's magnetic field to navigate and return to nest at the same beach where they were born. Adult female turtles return to nest every 2-4 years. They can lay up to eight times in the years they did return; each time lay 150-200 eggs in holes dug in the sand. Once the eggs have been stored, the mother will cover the hole with sand.

Eggs hatch after two months and the young should try and make their own sea, a perilous journey that often end at the mouth of a predator. For those who make it, they risk getting eaten into the high sea. Only about 0.01% last until adulthood. The majority of the turtles lay their eggs at night, but Kemp Ridley turtle nesting during the day. This habit has made it very sensitive to the human egg hunt and highly endangered species.

Human activities that cause serious problems for all other species and all turtles are currently listed as endangered. (The Flatback turtle is not currently registered as more data is needed before the scientific evaluation can be made.) Loggerhead turtles considered endangered species, while the Olive Ridley sea turtles and green sea turtles are considered threatened. The situation is even grim for the Leatherback, the scale and the leatherback turtle in the sea Kemp - three species are considered Critically Endangered.

Used to hunt for turtles, fatty meats and shellfish. The main deal with today is the fact that, however, caught as by catch in commercial fishing. There is an easy way to help prevent this and the new method was developed to reduce by-catch. These methods include using a larger hook and make the gate turtle trawling. Turtle Excluder Devices (Teds) can reduce turtle by-catch in shrimp nets by 97 percent. This technology is used but not globally and by-catch remains a major problem. Other treats include coastal development and harvesting eggs for food and traditional medicine.

Turtles play an important ecological role in our sea, because they take care of seagrass grazing and balanced. Seagrass beds in turn is an important nursery for many fish species. Turtle also plays an important role in the beach where they breed, because the eggs are placed on the beach provide essential nutrients for plants that live on the beach (good eggs that hatched and those who do not). If the turtles stop a beach plants may not have enough nutrients to survive and disappear, which in turn speed up coastal erosion.

1 comment:

  1. Would a sea turtle and an eagle be able to mate?
