Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gavials Unique Animal

Gavials a large semi-aquatic reptiles belonging to the family Gavialidae.They alligator and crocodile looks very similar but more narrow elongated nozzles are used for fishing. There are only two living species are now gavials: the Gavial or Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) and gavial or False False Gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii).

The gavial false name stemmed from the fact that old animals are classified as crocodiles even look like gavial, gavial then False. More recent research shows to be more closely related to Gavial of species of crocodile that leads to the family moved to Gavialidae, which naturally makes a false name gavial felt a little strange.

Gavialis gangeticus is found in the subcontinent of India from Pakistan to Myanmar and Bangladesh but it may extinct in large parts of it. This type is the second longest of all crocodiles. Schlegelii Tomistoma living in the Malay peninsula and can be found in Sumatra, Malaysia, Borneo, Java, Vietnam and Thailand, although no specimens have been seen in Thailand since 1970. Records indicate that this species once lived along the way up to southern China.

Gavials can grow very long and there are many gavials recorded more than 6 m / 20 m in length and weighing 1000 kg / 2200 pounds. However, rare specimens of the giant and the most Gavials never reach this size. The gavial One grows somewhat smaller and is due around 2-3 m / ft 7-10

Second endangered species even though the situation is somewhat worse for Gavial true. The major deal is False gavial drying wetlands and the surrounding rain forest deforestation. Species are also hunted for meat and eggs are harvested for food as well. Conservation efforts made in Indonesia and Malaysia to conserve the species.

The Gavial right on the verge of ruin in 1970 when they received the full protection and still in bad condition. It is believed fewer than 400 breeding pairs left in the wild, with most of them live in nine protected areas in India. The main hope for the species which is currently in a program that includes the proliferation gavials in captivity and wild eggs down to raise young in captivity to reduce the number of deaths before they are introduced back into the free world. These programs have been successful less than expected and even more from 3000 gavials has issued population is estimated at 1.500 mere animals. The reason for the bad outcome is not known but may be related to heavy metals in water. In 2007, the species from endangered to critically endangered reclassified in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Both species lay their eggs in nests gavials made by the female. Gavials truly have their mating season in March to May. It is not known when gavial False have a nest. Both species lay eggs 30-60 despite some rather smaller than the 30-50 is more common in gavial True. Eggs hatch after about 90 days. The gavial One leave the nest after the eggs are placed and do not offer treatment elderly. The gavial True protect eggs and young people on their first day. Unlike other crocodiles, will not lead young people to the water.

Gavials and False gavials eat mainly fish. Teenagers eat frogs, insects, larvae and small as well. They do not treat men and unable to hunt larger animals because of their jaw development.

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