Saltwater crocodile has a longer muzzle of a crocodile robbers, its length is twice its width at the base. Saltwater crocodiles have little steel plate in the neck than other crocodiles. In this species, a pair of points along the mountain away from the center of the nozzle. Scutes oval scales small compared to other species. Vast body of salt water crocodiles adults contrast with most other slim crocodiles, leading to early reptiles assumption is confirmed crocodile. Very large head. Skull length more than 75 cm (30 in) have been confirmed for the species and the length of the mandible have been reported up to 98.3 cm (38.7 in.) (long skull women over 50 cm (20 inches) unusual). Teeth too long, with the largest teeth (fourth from the front teeth in the lower jaw) have been measured up to 9 cm (3.5 in) long. If detached from the body, the head of a very large male crocodile is reported to increase more than 200 kg (440 lb) only.
Young saltwater crocodile pale yellow with black lines and spots on the body and tail. This staining can take a few years to become an adult crocodile maturity. Color as adults far more dark greenish-boring, with some areas of brown or light gray sometimes clear. Some color variations are known and some adults may defend pretty pale skin while others may be so dark so it appears black. Ventral surface is white or yellow in color large crocodiles of all ages. Stripes appear on the underside of the body but does not extend to the stomach. Their tails are gray with black stripes.
Saltwater crocodile hatchlings measure about 25 to 30 centimeters (9.8 to 12 in) long and weighing an average of 70 grams (2.5 oz). At the time of their second year, a young crocodile to reach 1 meter (3.3 feet) and weighs 2.5 kilograms (5.5 lb). Males reach sexual maturity at around 3.3 meters (11 feet) in about 16 years, while females reach sexual maturity at 2.1 meters (6.9 feet) and 12-14 years. A weight adult male saltwater crocodile is 400 to 1,000 pounds (880 to 2.200 lb) and length is usually 4.1 to 5.5 meters (13-18 feet). However, adult males can exceed 6 meters (20 feet) and weigh more than 1,000 kilograms (2,200 pounds), and this species is extant crocodile only to regularly reach or exceed 4.8 meters (16 feet).
Weight may vary based on the condition of very large and old, men tend to be older than younger big as they defend key territories with access to better, more abundant prey. For example, crocodiles at 4.8 meters (16 feet) in length has ranged from a variety of mass 522 kg (1,150 lb) to 1,000 kilograms (2,200 pounds). This species has the greatest sexual dimorfisme of every modern crocodiles, with far fewer female than male. Special body length ranges from 2.3 to 3.5 meter girls (8-11 feet). Adult females kept at Australia Zoo usually weighs around 100-150 kg (220-330 lb). A wild female average length of 2.7 meters (8.9 feet) is rumored to be weighing around 80 kg (180 lb). The largest female on record measuring around 4.2 meters (14 feet). The average weight of a whole species about 450 kilograms (1,000 pounds).

Other crocodile species is more than 6.1 m (20 ft) well has authority reported or confirmed in the past. Long official entry to the crocodile from Australia is 6.15 meters (20.2 feet) to a specimen killed at McArthur River in June 1960. Other monsters Australia shot 16 years later, an old man, nicknamed "Big Gator" which has become predatory habits of the local beef, found after the shot was measured 6.1 meters (20 feet) and weighs 1097 kilograms (2420 pounds). Measurements recorded in Papua New Guinea is 6.32 meters (20.7 feet) for specimens shot in May 1966 along the northeast coast. This specimen has a thickness of 2.74 meters stomach (9.0 feet) other famous New Guinea monsters, which sank after being bound in fishing nests in 1979, is a specimen measuring 6.2 meters (20 feet) long skull 72 centimeters (28 in).
There are many statements that larger crocodile, sometimes known far beyond measure, as expected from a large reptile. James R. Montgomery, who manages the farm close to the Lower Kinabatangan Wetlands Segama in Sarawak from 1926-1932, claimed to have caught, killed and many crocodiles examined more than 6.1 meters (20 feet) in there, including specimens it claims is measured 10 meters (33 feet ). However, no one confirmed scentifically Montgomery specimens and no known voucher specimens. Crocodile skull shot in Odisha, India, which is claimed to measure 7.6 meters (25 feet) in life, when given a scientific examination, which is believed to come from the crocodile with the length of not more than 7 meters (23 feet). Other saltwater crocodile in 7.6-to-9 meters (25 to 30 ft) range has been charged with: crocodile shot in the Bay of Bengal in 1840, reported at 10 meters (33 feet), the other was murdered in 1823 on the island Jalajala main Luzon in the Philippines reported at 8.2 meters (27 feet), a reported 7.6 meters (25 feet) crocodile killed in the Hooghly River in the Alipore District of Calcutta.
However, examination of the skull of the animals' really show animals, from 6 to 6.7 meters (20 to 22.0 feet). A crocodile shot in Queensland in 1957 was reported to be 8.63 meters (28.3 feet) long, but no verified measurements are made and no remnants of this crocodile exist. A "replica" of this crocodile has been made as a tourist attraction. Many other unconfirmed reports of crocodiles exceeding 8 meters (28 + ft) have been made but this is highly unlikely.
With the recent restoration of saltwater crocodile habitat and reduced poaching, vera 7 meters (23 feet) probably still alive today. Guinness has accepted a claim from one meter 7 - (23 ft), 2,000 kg (4,400 lb) male saltwater crocodile living within Bhitarkanika Park in the state of Odisha, India, though, because as difficult to capture and measure a very large live crocodile, the accuracy dimension This has not been confirmed.
In September 2011, a 6.17 meter (20.2 foot) saltwater crocodile caught alive in the Philippines, making it one of the largest specimens ever reliably measured snout-to-tail. This specimen, nicknamed "Lolong" and weighs around 1,075 kilograms (2370 pounds), has a past as a potential human being survive eaters and as an attraction at the local zoo. Lolong died on February 10, 2013.
Crocodiles are so sexy they make my weiner wiggle :O