Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja), is a Neotropical species of eagle. This is sometimes known as the American Harpy Eagle Eagle to distinguish from Papua who is sometimes known as the New Guinea Harpy Eagle Harpy Eagle or Papua. This is the largest and most powerful raptor found in the Americas, and between species that still have the largest eagle in the world. Usually inhabits tropical rain forests lowland layer (appear) on the canopy. Destruction of its natural habitat has disappeared see from many parts of the former, and almost extirpated in Central America.
The top Harpy Eagle is covered with slate black feathers, and under most of the white, except for feathered tarsi, which are black ribbed. There is a broad black band across the upper breast, gray head separates from the white belly. Pale gray head, and crowned with a double crest. The upperside black tail with three gray bands, while the bottom is black with three white bands. The colored iris gray or brown or red, Cere and black or blackish bill and tarsi and feet are yellow. The hairs of men and women are equal. Tarsus is up to 13 cm (5.1 in) long.
Women Harpy Eagles typically weigh 6 to 9 kg (13 to 20 lb). A very large captive female, "A lot", weighing 12.3 kg (27 lb). Being captive, this large female may not represent weight possible in wild Harpy Eagles due to differences in food availability.
Male, compared, much smaller and weighs only about 4 to 4.8 kg (8.8 to 11 lb). Harpy Eagles is 86.5 to 107 cm (2 ft 10 in-3 ft 6 in) long and has a wingspan of 176 to 224 cm (5 ft 9 in. to 7 ft 4 in). Between measurement standard, wing chord measure 54-63 cm (1 ft 9 in.-2 ft 1 in), the tail measure 37-42 cm (1 ft 3 in-1 ft 5 in), Tarsus is 11.4 to 13 cm (4.5 to 5.1 in.) long and Culmen hit from Cere is 4.2 to 6.5 cm (1.7 to 2.6 in).
This is sometimes referred to as the largest eagle, the Philippine eagle is quite long on average and Steller's Sea Eagle a little more weight on average. The Harpy Eagle wingspan is relatively small, an adaptation that increases the ability maneuver in forest habitat and divided by other raptors in the same habitat. The Harpy Eagle wingspan that was defeated by a large number of eagles that live in more open habitats, such as the genera Haliaeetus and Akwila. The extinct Haast Eagle was significantly larger than all extant eagles, including the Harpy.
This species most quietly away from the nest. There, the adults gave a weak penetrating, melancholy scream, to call the male incubation described as Wheeeeeeeeee-wheeeeeee-wheeeeeeeee. The incubation time call girl similar but lower pitched. While approaching the nest with food, men call out "quick slit, swan-like calls, and occasional sharp shriek". Vocalization on both parents decreased as the age of the chicks, while nestlings become more vocal. The nestlings called Chi-chi-chi ... chi-chi-chi-chi, apparently the alarm in response to rain or direct sunlight. When the man approached the nest, snuggled been described as utter croaks, shaman and whistles.
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