Great white sharks are found mainly in sea macropredator being and ocean climate, but Great White Shark may also occasionally enter tropical waters. This is especially the epipelagic residents, which means that it can usually be found in the top layer of the sea, usually between the sea surface and thermocline at a depth of about 200 meters. The Great White Shark is known but sometimes traveling as far as 250 meters. It can be found in surfline or in waters far from the beach. The Great White Shark found from coastal islands where the water is deep and shallow beach located near one another, and reef fish can be found off the coast.
Great White Shark is actually not just white. Above, their color varies from almost black to gray while the ventral surface white or whitish. Pelvic fins can be seen with olive and gray. In strong sun light, can display a lateral surface of the colored almost shimmering bronze. The area surrounding the gill opening, and a base of fins often blotched. The same thing also happened with the small, black spots or irregular dark on posterior side of the fifth gill opening. Great White Sharks have each individual coloring and pattern, but there are also similarities district. For example, Great White Sharks off Cape Province in South Africa more generally shows shades of olive, while the Great White Shark off California in the United States has a gray coloration is very dark. Great White Sharks in the Mediterranean Sea are usually olive-brown or gray.
There is always a lot of speculation about the maximum size of the White Shark. Unconfirmed sources claimed that the Great White Shark she looks more than 7 meters outside Kangarro Island in Australia in 1987. In the same year, the female shark from Malta reported 713 centimeters. In October 1998, however, examined photos of this shark and shark turned out to be more than 530 centimeters. Many members believe that the Great White Shark maximum length is somewhere around 6 meters. The smallest adult Great White Sharks are found in the wild is about 120 centimeters. We still do not know for certain length at maturity for the Great White Shark, and it is possible that different people mature at different distances. But we know that Great White sharks are often adult females when they are between 450 and 500 centimeters, and that male Great White Shark often adults when they are around 350 centimeters. A study conducted at the Great White Shark 21 shows that they are mature when they were around 10-12 years, but this is only a single study in quite a few individuals and should not be used to make general assumptions.
The Great White Shark has a conical nozzle, the shape is quite blunt. Teeth large, triangular-shaped and rough sawn timber placed in patterns like. Their latin name, Carcharodon carcharias, actually means "jagged-toothed One '. The Great White Shark is equipped with five gill slits. Characteristics of first dorsal fin is almost an equilateral triangle, with the margin slightly concave back. At a very young individuals, the first dorsal fin rounded at the apex, and grew pointier first two years. Second dorsal fin is always very small in the Great White Shark. Caudal fin is crescent shaped, and the Great White Shark is bigger than 2.0 meters usually have a pointed tip acute. In the newborn sharks, the lower surface of the tail is generally more compact and rounded. This area but will be expanding very soon after birth and will look like the surface of the tail of the Great White Shark adult.
Great White Shark Carcharodon genus belonging to the famous and near relatives are four other mackerel shark family Lamnidae. Many historians agree that when Aristotle and other Greek writers write about "the monster Lamia scary" they are referring to animals that now we call the Great White Shark. Lamia Lamie name and is still used in the Mediterranean a few, like the Greeks and the language of southern France. During the 16th century naturalist Guillaume Rondelet suggest that perhaps the prophet Jonah in the Bible is not swallowed by a whale, but with the Great White Shark. Just like today, the Great White Shark feared and admired good and is surrounded by many rumors. Historically, the Great White Shark has been known by several different names. Always only be one of the recognized species of the white shark, but has been called Squalus carcharias, blood drinking carcharias, carcharias verus, Carcharodon rondeletii, Squalus carcharias and Carcharodon smithii. Today, the formal Latin name Carcharodon carcharias, which means a jagged-toothed.
Detailed knowledge of the Great White Shark breeding habits are rare, but at least increased rapidly over the last few years. Previously, most of the ideas and advice on Great White Shark reproduction is based on comparison with other related species of shark known to the scientific community. There is one report from 1937 about the arrest of pregnant sharks three years earlier, but was not sure whether this is the Great White Shark or some other species. It was not until 1980 that a more detailed study of pregnant white sharks occur. Verified reports talking about 5 to 10 embryos, but there are also unconfirmed reports that about 14 embryos. Female sharks do not develop the placenta, and embryos are not protected by the use of eggs without fertilization (oophagy). Embryos also swallow his own tooth warehouse; possible to re-use of calcium and other minerals, but is yet to be confirmed. Time of pregnancy is unknown, but estimated at around 12 months. Births may occur in temperate waters off the shelf from spring to late summer. A Great White Shark of a newborn is between 120 and 150 centimeters.
The kopulasi actually have not seen, but the curious behavior of the surface by the Great White Shark may be part of the mating ritual has been observed. Mating rituals for other species of sharks, often including biting and holding the tooth, and bite marks were found on the pectoral, pelvic, and dorsum of female White Shark that shows that this may be part of their mating ritual as well. Great White Shark large adults of both sexes and their offspring have been seen together in certain regions around the world, which probably means that this district nursing policy for the Great White Shark. Examples of these areas are the waters around Japan, South and East Australia, New Zeeland, Eastern Cape Province in South Africa, Southern California and Baha in the U.S. and South-Central Mediterranean Sea (especially between Tunisia and Western Sicily). Quite Great White Shark older, but still less than one year old, was arrested outside Algeria, North Aegean and Mediterranean France.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Bronze Whaler Shark
Bronze Whaler shark is a large species and can reach a maximum size of at least 325 cm and weighing up to 250 kg. Bronze Whaler shark has a blunt nose and the area of medium length with sharp round or pointed. There are narrow, the shark tooth cusp determined. Bronze Whaler shark does not have a ridge interdorsal. The upper part of the body showed gray and olive bronze, while the belly is white. Fins plain, but the black tip of pelvic fin and the end of the rear edge of the pectoral fin and a dark or black. Just like other shark species, Bronze Whaler shark has a frame made of cartilage, not bone. Cartilage is a flexible material and is found in the human body also, for example at the end of the nose and on the outer ear. Cartilage is very flexible when formed but the body use calcium to be stiff and strong enough to support the body's large sharks in the water. Shark family is very old and has been around for more than 350 million years. Along with the shoes and rays, shark species is the only non-endangered fish with cartilage instead of bone.
Bronze Whaler sharks inhabit most parts of the world and is found in the waters around all the continents except for the cold waters around Antarctica. In the occupied West Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico water from Brazil and Argentina. Bronze Whaler shark also lives off the coast of southern France and around the coast of Africa. It is generally found in the Mediterranean. In the Western Pacific Bronze Whaler sharks are found from Japan to New Zealand, and the Eastern Pacific is inhabited areas of southern California in the United States and all the way down to Peru, including Gulf of California.
The Bronze Whaler sharks that inhabit the planet north of the distance traveled each year and migrate south for the winter and return north for the summer.
Bronze Whaler shark like tropical and subtropical waters, and found from 45 ° to 52 ° S. LU This is related to the reef and are known to dive to at least 100 meters. In shallow areas can be found near the bottom. This is a species off the coast that is often used to go over the edge of the continental area. The Bronze Whaler shark will also sometimes great effort to bay beaches and coastal areas. It is generally found in marine waters, but also seen in brackish areas.
It eats fish, especially pelagic and bottom bony, particularly swordfish and shark swordfish. It is also known to take other sharks, fish, mullet, stingrays and squid. The annual sardine run off the coast of South Africa always attract plenty of Bronze Whaler shark.
Bronze Whaler shark popular among fishermen and fish are often caught rawai. It is one of the slowest shark species grow, which makes it very vulnerable to over-fishing. The minimum population doubling time for Bronze Whaler shark more than 14 years. Bronze Whaler shark was involved in shark attacks on people and should always be approached with caution. The best way to prevent attacks is to stay away from sharks and never even try to approach even if it is relaxed.
Over the last few years Bronze Whaler shark has been the focus of the research project utilize satellite technology to monitor the migration patterns. This has produced amazing results and today's scientists suspect that there are at least two different populations of Bronze Whaler sharks off the coast of southern Africa. The first eastern Western Cape life, while other residents were found in Walvis Bay in Namibia and Angola to the north off. The Bronze Whaler shark found off Namibia and Angola's the same people and travel between countries. Two sharks tagged in southern Angola in 2003, located in Swakopmund in Namibia, three months later, which is 715 km south from southern Angola.
Bronze Whaler shark is the bearer of the internal life and Bronze Whaler shark woman will give birth to live puppies. This forms the pair of species and the eggs are fertilized in the female and the male hug. Bronze Whaler shark breeding methods are vivipar and offspring receive nutrients from the yolk-sac placenta while they develop in their mother's body. One of the litter will consist of between 7 and 20 cats and newborn calves Bronze Whaler sharks are usually 59-70 cm. Bronze Whaler shark gives birth year rotation, but with a peak during the summer.
Bull Shark
Bull Shark is massive sharks that can reach 3.5 meters long and weighing more than 315 kg. The female usually larger than males. The body is compact with a short nose and wide which gives a rather dull appearance. Eyes are very small and without ridge interdorsal body. Characteristics of first dorsal fin is large and has a triangular shape. It is usually 3.2 times higher second dorsal fin. Sports bull shark on the gray color and white belly. Fins have dark tips are especially seen in young sharks. Bull shark teeth on the triangle and toothed. Banteng shark oldest was 32 years old.
Bull sharks, Carcharhinus leucas, known by the name, including the Shark River, Estuary Whaler, Freshwater Whaler, Swan River Whaler, Ground shark, Slipway Grey, Zambezi and Shovelnose. There are only six known species of sharks in the world could live in both salt and fresh water: Borneo river shark (sp Glyphis B.), the Irrawaddy river shark (Glyphis siamensis), New Guinea river shark (C. sp Glyphis), shark Ganga (Glyphis gangeticus), shark Speartooth (Glyphis glyphis) and Bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas). Bull sharks are the most common of the six species and is found in various parts of the world.
In the West Atlantic, you can find Bull sharks off the coast of Massachusetts, United States and south to Brazil. In the East side of the Atlantic Bull shark off the coast live Morocco and from Senegal to Angola. Bull sharks are also found in the Indo-West Pacific region where it occupied the territory of Kenya and South Africa to India, and farther to the waters around Australia and Vietnam. At the West side of South America-North and Bull shark life from southern Baja California in Mexico and Ecuador. Bull shark may also have been seen off the coast of Peru, but this is still not confirmed.
Bull sharks prefer to live near the coast and live in shallow waters such as bays and estuaries. To be able to survive in fresh water it will often swim rivers and streams, and even in the lake. Bookmark and especially young sharks found fresh water and is sometimes found hundreds of kilometers from the sea in rivers and streams. Sharks, Bull sharks prefer adult district where freshwater rivers flow into the sea, such as river deltas and estuaries. Silver sharks rarely dive deeper than 30 m and are usually found in shallow waters where many only a few meters depth. This preference for shallow waters very close to the coastline and the bay silence means that Bull sharks must share their habitat with humans in much of the world. This is also why the Bull shark is considered one of the most dangerous shark species and has been involved in a series of attacks on humans. Bull sharks must always approach with caution, and preferably not exposed and bothered at all if possible. Reputation as devil man eating animals but really not qualified.
Bull shark hunt alone and feed primarily on bony fishes and other sharks. Sandbar sharks are very popular small, but the Bull sharks are opportunistic and will eat various foods, including rays, sea turtles, carcasses of mammals, mantis shrimp, squid, crab, sea urchin, sea snails and even garbage.
A Bull shark will reach sexual maturity when it is between 8 and 10 years. Bull shark reproduction method is vivipar. Fertilized eggs in females and developing Banteng shark in itself, receive nutrients from the yolk-sac placenta. After a pregnancy of around 10 or 11 months she gave birth to live puppies. During courtship, the male embracing the female and female sharks Banteng because it will always have scars on their bodies courtship. Male bull sharks are almost always without fighting scars. One litter usually consists of 1-13 small fish and young Bull shark is usually about 60 cm at birth. Delivery time depends on the habitat female Bull shark. For example,female Bull sharks live from Nicaragua can give birth year rotation, with the number of births peaked in spring and early summer. Bookmark and women who live sharks off the coast of South Africa on the other side will only give birth in late spring or early summer. The same is true for women Bull sharks living in the western North Atlantic off Florida or the Gulf of Mexico. The minimum population doubling time for Bull sharks more than 14 years.
Bull sharks are strong fish that can be successfully kept in captivity and is often found in public aquariums. It is also to be hunted by humans. Meat is eaten fresh, frozen or smoke, while the fins are popular in shark fin soup. Other parts of the Bull shark also used, such as skin turned into leather, liver oil and appreciated for remaining carcass commonly used to produce fish meal. It is also often caught in the fishing industry without a real target species. Bull shark is particularly vulnerable to human impacts because they want to stay near the ground and share the same habitat as we are. Average size Bull shark caught by the House of Natal Sharks have fallen and there are some concerns about the status of the Bull shark, but only considered lower risk - near threatened by CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Malformed. Bull sharks, but are included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. (IUCN today changed the name of "International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources" for "the World Conservation Union," but the acronym is used to IUCN red list.)
Bull sharks, Carcharhinus leucas, known by the name, including the Shark River, Estuary Whaler, Freshwater Whaler, Swan River Whaler, Ground shark, Slipway Grey, Zambezi and Shovelnose. There are only six known species of sharks in the world could live in both salt and fresh water: Borneo river shark (sp Glyphis B.), the Irrawaddy river shark (Glyphis siamensis), New Guinea river shark (C. sp Glyphis), shark Ganga (Glyphis gangeticus), shark Speartooth (Glyphis glyphis) and Bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas). Bull sharks are the most common of the six species and is found in various parts of the world.
In the West Atlantic, you can find Bull sharks off the coast of Massachusetts, United States and south to Brazil. In the East side of the Atlantic Bull shark off the coast live Morocco and from Senegal to Angola. Bull sharks are also found in the Indo-West Pacific region where it occupied the territory of Kenya and South Africa to India, and farther to the waters around Australia and Vietnam. At the West side of South America-North and Bull shark life from southern Baja California in Mexico and Ecuador. Bull shark may also have been seen off the coast of Peru, but this is still not confirmed.
Bull sharks prefer to live near the coast and live in shallow waters such as bays and estuaries. To be able to survive in fresh water it will often swim rivers and streams, and even in the lake. Bookmark and especially young sharks found fresh water and is sometimes found hundreds of kilometers from the sea in rivers and streams. Sharks, Bull sharks prefer adult district where freshwater rivers flow into the sea, such as river deltas and estuaries. Silver sharks rarely dive deeper than 30 m and are usually found in shallow waters where many only a few meters depth. This preference for shallow waters very close to the coastline and the bay silence means that Bull sharks must share their habitat with humans in much of the world. This is also why the Bull shark is considered one of the most dangerous shark species and has been involved in a series of attacks on humans. Bull sharks must always approach with caution, and preferably not exposed and bothered at all if possible. Reputation as devil man eating animals but really not qualified.
Bull shark hunt alone and feed primarily on bony fishes and other sharks. Sandbar sharks are very popular small, but the Bull sharks are opportunistic and will eat various foods, including rays, sea turtles, carcasses of mammals, mantis shrimp, squid, crab, sea urchin, sea snails and even garbage.
A Bull shark will reach sexual maturity when it is between 8 and 10 years. Bull shark reproduction method is vivipar. Fertilized eggs in females and developing Banteng shark in itself, receive nutrients from the yolk-sac placenta. After a pregnancy of around 10 or 11 months she gave birth to live puppies. During courtship, the male embracing the female and female sharks Banteng because it will always have scars on their bodies courtship. Male bull sharks are almost always without fighting scars. One litter usually consists of 1-13 small fish and young Bull shark is usually about 60 cm at birth. Delivery time depends on the habitat female Bull shark. For example,female Bull sharks live from Nicaragua can give birth year rotation, with the number of births peaked in spring and early summer. Bookmark and women who live sharks off the coast of South Africa on the other side will only give birth in late spring or early summer. The same is true for women Bull sharks living in the western North Atlantic off Florida or the Gulf of Mexico. The minimum population doubling time for Bull sharks more than 14 years.
Bull sharks are strong fish that can be successfully kept in captivity and is often found in public aquariums. It is also to be hunted by humans. Meat is eaten fresh, frozen or smoke, while the fins are popular in shark fin soup. Other parts of the Bull shark also used, such as skin turned into leather, liver oil and appreciated for remaining carcass commonly used to produce fish meal. It is also often caught in the fishing industry without a real target species. Bull shark is particularly vulnerable to human impacts because they want to stay near the ground and share the same habitat as we are. Average size Bull shark caught by the House of Natal Sharks have fallen and there are some concerns about the status of the Bull shark, but only considered lower risk - near threatened by CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Malformed. Bull sharks, but are included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. (IUCN today changed the name of "International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources" for "the World Conservation Union," but the acronym is used to IUCN red list.)
Blue Shark
Blue shark, Prionace glauca, easy to distinguish from other sharks in the blue staining. This family-owned Carcharhinidae, which means that it is the shark Requiem. When you watch the blue shark from above you will see a deep indigo blue color, while blue sharks observed from the addition appears bright blue. White belly and tip of pectoral and anal fins with black color. Body elongated and slender blue shark can usually reach the size of 3.8 meters (13 feet), but the longest blue shark ever found even greater than that measured 400 cm. Blue sharks are known heaviest weight was 205.9 kg. Very long pectoral fins Blue sharks are always equal in size to the length of gill current and nozzle tip shark. Snout long and has a conical shape. Lobe of caudal fin Blue shark is much larger than the lower, and the base of the tail has a weak keel. There is no ridge interdorsal. All blue sharks have large eyes covered by a membrane pengerjap.
Teeth on lower jaw and valve equipped with a small triangle or finely serrated edge. Serrated teeth for catching blue shark facilitate smooth animal, such as squid. Teeth are in rows, and new teeth into place smoothly play immediately after tooth long been tired, lost or damaged. Blue sharks will only use the first two rows of teeth when hunting, another line only to play into place when needed.
Blue sharks are one of the fastest swimming sharks, and can easily keep speed with most fish species. Body long, slender and fit to swim faster because the water is very small barriers. Large tail fins move side to side and provide more strength for blue shark. Swim by means of an elegant and powerful enough to make the jump from the water. Further research is needed to confirm the maximum speed of the Blue shark. Some scientists estimate the maximum speed to about 35 km / hour (22 miles per hour), while others claim that the maximum speed can be about 97 km / hour (60 miles an hour).

In the western Atlantic blue sharks you can see from Newfoundland in Canada and down to Argentina. It is also found in the Middle Atlantic and from Norway to South Africa in the Eastern Atlantic. (The Mediterranean is included.) The Indo-West Pacific region spread from East Africa to Indonesia and Japan. It is often seen throughout Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia. In the Eastern Pacific Blue sharks inhabit the vast territory between the Gulf of Alaska and Chile.
Blue sharks are primarily marine, but also commonly found in near coastal waters, especially in the continent are narrow ramps. Blue shark in temperate areas will always stay close to the surface in the pelagic. In the warm tropical waters of the deep dive deeper, because the preferred water temperature between 7 º and 16 º C, which are usually found further down. Depth range is known for blue shark is 0-350 meters, and generally found to 150 m. Blue shark will often form large schools. These schools are often composed of men only or women only, and all the blue shark is the same size. We still do not know why they do this, but maybe a way to prevent the attack from larger predators.
A blue shark feeds primarily on squid and bony fish. Pelagic fish usually form the basis of the Blue shark diet, such as sword fish, tuna, mackerel, cod, herring and sea raven. Seals, flatfish, pelagic red crabs and dead Cetacea is also part of a normal diet. Blue sharks often will attack the fish has been caught by long line or the same capture device, which unfortunately means that Blue sharks are often caught in the equipment itself. Blue sharks are also known to occasionally eat seabirds and garbage.
Blue shark is believed to be one of the most breeding species of large sharks, but the minimum population doubling time is more than 14 years. Method of reproduction is vivipar, which means that the eggs develop into the dog in the female blue shark and receive nutrition in her body. After mating the female Blue Shark can store sperm for several months, sometimes even years. Sperm covered in his oviducal gland where they will be provided with nutrients to stay alive. When finally he berovulasi, fertilization took place, and live Blue shark pup born after pregnancies of 9 to 12 months old. Blue sharks are one litter of puppies usually contain 25-50, but the stretcher area 135 have been reported. The bigger the blue shark women, children more dogs in each litter. Blue sharks are very small can have a litter with no more than 4 cats. Blue shark A newborn puppy is between 40 and 51 cm (16 and 20 inches) long. A blue shark adult female will not become sexually until it has grown to be at least 2.2 to 3.2 meters (7-11 feet), while the male blue sharks are usually due when it is between 1.8 and 2.8 meters (6 and 9 feet). Blue sharks maximum age exceeding 20 years.
Blue sharks always have to be handled with caution as there were reported attacks on humans. Blue sharks are hunted and sold as food. Meat is sold fresh or preserved, and the most popular fin soup. Hiding from the Sharks Blue was used for the skin. Blue sharks are classified as lower risk / near threatened extinct.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Polar Bear
Polar bears are large meat eating carnivore that has adapted beautifully to life in the Arctic frozen and hard. This animal is very great weight to 1,500 kg and an adult will stand 10 meters. Female smaller and weight 300-650 pounds. Polar bears are found in Canada, Russia, United States, Alaska, Greenland and the North Pole Islands Norway. Around the world are estimated to be around 25.000 to 27.000 polar bears around the world.
Polar-bears the most nomadic of all bear species when they are traveling on average 6,000 miles a year. Polar bears are very flexible and they are equally at home on land or in water. Because it is not uncommon finding polar bears in the coastal islands, beaches and even in Arctic waters. Be exceptional swimmers, they have been seen swimming 100 miles from the mainland nearby. They have a small head but a strong jaw and shoulder. They have webbed feet which help them to swim and hunt for seals in the water. This applies paddle with their front feet while steering with their hind legs. The polar bear fur is designed in a way that helps to keep warm even in freezing conditions. Thick fur hairs that appear close to the skin to make them warm, while the hollow guard hair or make them dry with a ban on water seepage into the skin. Bears white camouflage layer is also suitable in snow and ice, while the skin on the back all the feathers are really black. A fat layer thickness below the skin also help them keep warm.
Polar bears surprising not to drink water. They are strictly carnivorous in habit and hunting seals, walruses and small mammals. They have a great capacity for polar bears eat and the stomach can hold up to 150 pounds of meat. They also carry on the whale carcass number and sometimes large polar bears congregate in areas where carcasses are available. Polar bears also provide food for other predators such as foxes wild depending on when they left the rest of the prey.
There are two main purposes in the life of a polar bear - hunting for food throughout the year and keep the energy as much as possible. For this reason, male polar bears do not hibernate in the traditional sense of the word. While some of their body processes slow down, they are still running and even food hunt since the months dry - this is a kind of 'sleep walking' for big bears. Female polar-bears hibernate in the nest, but do not they dig. They can start breeding at the age of five years. They dig nests in November and still sleep until spring. A woman usually charged twin tiger cubs each weighing 1 pound at birth. At the time his son was ready to face the world in the spring, they weight 15 pounds or more. They need a lot to learn from their mothers and will remain close to their mothers until they reach 2-3 years. When the mother is ready for the next litter, she will lead a bear to fight their own fully grown.
Chemical pollution and global warming seems to be the two most damaging issue a polar bear lives. Because of this, female bears can not produce a healthy baby and the death toll on the bear population has gone up. Exploration activities at the North Pole is another cause of worry as much bear to leave their nests and consequently died.
Koala Bear
Koala bears are marsupials which gets its name from the indigenous word meaning 'no drink'. Curious said shows how Koala bear water supply - from the eucalyptus leaves. The case of drinking water only when ill or when water supply from the leaves is not enough. Koala bears are often mistakenly believed to be related to the bears. Its hairy body, small ears, and almost no tail does not allow this assumption. But even if looks like a bear, it is a small marsupial tree dwelling slow.
At times, there are various types of Koala. Today, all but one of them has passed away. Koala bears live in a bushland and most are found in Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales. Just like humans, Koala bears live in the community and the need for networking with other Koala. They are very territorial and individual Koala even defend their own 'home' district. This is one reason why the Koala bear support for forest tree Eucalyptus tree Eucalyptus have enough to support a healthy population of the Koala and support the expanding needs of growing boys. Koala can know that the other bear's tree and have their own tree. Koala is suitable for living in trees. It has a very good sense of balance, a strong body and grip. Rough sleepers in your feet and hands allow Koala applied to enable them to hold the tree firmly. They had a thumb claw-like fingers that allow them to hold good.
Koalas in the wild appear only as comfortable for them. They are very fussy and finicky food, because they will eat only gum that taste they leave their clothes. Of the 600 varieties of Eucalyptus trees found in Australia, Koalas usually leave most of the species only. Only one or two of the type favored by bears. To help them, Koala bears have an excellent sense of smell.
Eucalyptus diet naturally highly toxic to most animals. But Nature has equipped Koala bear with special adaptations to deal with this kind of diet. They have a digestive system that allows them to detox the poison. Koala bears have a very slow metabolic rate and this allows them to sleep for 15-18 hours a day. It also allows them to store food longer in the stomach and thus defend the Koala bear latest bit of energy from the food they eat. Koala-bears have teeth adapted to bite the 300-500 pounds of leaves they eat every day. A gap between teeth allowing the bear to move the food in her mouth.
Koala bears have thick fur and feathers that protect them from extreme temperatures. Hair has a fine coat of oil that helps to repel water when it rains. Koala lower body padded with dense thick hair coat that protects the body from the branches and the hard cover is sitting on. Koalas are nocturnal animals so most of their foraging activities carried out after dark. This is so that they will lose a minimum amount of moisture.
Become a berkantung, Koala bear gave birth to a later held safely in a pocket. The Joey (or young) slide into a pocket by itself, and then hook on one dot that swells to fill his mouth, to hold securely in a pocket. Young developing eyes, hair and body in a bag. Finally, the young go out and ride in the back of his mother before ready to face the world alone.
Grizzly Bear
Grizzly bears, also known as the Brown Bear, is a large predator distinguished by distinct hump on the shoulders and long claws for finger nails man. Most of the grizzly bear has a darkish brown color overlay can even vary from light cream to black as well. Grizzly bears have a long nose and big head. The bears get their gray appearance of long guard hair on their backs and shoulders of the white at the tips.
Very large brown bear .. and underestimate it! Male bears can weigh up to 1,000 pound or more of the sheer mass and female touch cool £ 500 if they have a mind to. They stood a magnificent 7 ft high. Alaska and British Columbia coast and some islands such as Kodiak and Admiralty can be proud of the heftiest seen a bear. Consistent diet consisting of high supply of protein to help bear grizzly salmon to grow.
Size has no bearing on the agility and speed of this handsome animal. This can easily reach speeds of 40 mph when in the mood. Grizzly bears found in various habitats from the Arctic tundra with dense forests and grasslands subapline. Brown bears are estimated to have lived in the Great Plains of North America, but browsing humans have caused them to adjust to life in the mountains, dense forests and caves. Grizzly-bears active at night in the box, which means that most of the activities they do at night. Oddly, although true hibernators do not bear them to sleep during the winter. But they are quick to wake up if disturbed. Female grizzly bears are ready for sexual activity at the time they reach 5-7 years. Female internal system has been designed so that fertilization occurs and the baby arrived just too late in January and February while the mother hibernate. Waste usually contains 2-3 baby birds and the young lion will remain with their mothers until they are 3-4 years old. Because the mother has her hands full of care and treatment of children, he will not bear again until the children leave. Consecutive stretchers have a 3-5 year gap between them.
Grizzly bears eating habits shows how advanced it is in the case of adaptation. This is omnivora, which means will eat plants and meat. Leaves, roots, grass, fruit, fruits, fish, carrion, and small mammals consists of a gourmet meal from the average bear. In some districts, a large brown bear, but specialize in eating large mammals such as deer, deer and caribou. District adjacent water body flowing and gushing have seen an increase in taste for fresh salmon and a large population of bears congregate to eat the spoil of this article. In short, brown bears have adapted to the environment so well that they eat anything available in the territory of residence.
Big grizzly bears usually loners and prefer their own company. They live in a community only for child raising season, or when food in abundant supply. Depending on location, grizzly bear sleep for about 5-8 months during the time they use all the stored fat. It is very natural that they got very hungry and very bad. They gorge during the summer and autumn to develop proposals that enough fat to see them through the Denning. This is especially true for women who gave birth to her son one pound and then nurse them for 20 pounds of baby birds - as well eat anything. Head of violent and very territorial when it comes to protecting their babies. Most grizzly bears live up to 25 years in the wild.
Brown Bear
Brown bears abound in forested mountains, grasslands and areas with plenty of water and lots of fresh plants. They are found in North America, Europe and Asia. Grizzlies are a different species of brown bear sub. Brown bear, black bear closely related. But they are often mistaken for a bear because they grow black and gray coat different. Male bear weight up to 700 pounds while females weigh about 350 pounds. As they stood on their feet, they reached nearly 7 feet tall, and they do not stand as a sign of a threat, not those who are curious and want to see more. Big shoulder muscles and rolling strong and long claws help the bear to dig in the soil, take check etc
As winter draws near, brown bear preparing to hibernate. Bears the most weight over right before their hibernation period than later. This is because during the fall, bears are busy eating of it can continue. Necessary to prepare the fat for 4-7 months when it has to go without food. During this period of black bears may chew almost 40 kilos of food a day. When cold settle in, clumsy bear waddles into the cave and into the deep sleep for a time all his body functions slow down, to minimize energy loss.
One of the facts most interesting about the bear is a bear female enters the cave had become pregnant with her son. When it's time arrived, the mother bear did not even recognize one youth out. New panda baby weighs almost a pound. It slid into position so it can feed. At the time of completion of a bear holding up, baby bear will achieve a comfortable weight. Mama milk is very rich in fat and provides the baby with the necessary calories. For this reason, the female bears should have a very good suggestion of fat in the body. Embryo in the womb to grow only if he has a pile of fat needed. Nearly one of every 2-3 baby birds die before completing their first year of life. Many died from disease, some hunger. Large animals, even the child's own father, can be a threat if the children are separated from its parent. This is why young children live with their mother until they are old enough to manage themselves. Mother usually protects the baby.
Many bear chocolate love vegetarian diet, but they add their diet with fish and small mammals. Many bears have adapted to the food most easily available in their area. For example, the bears that live near the river gorge on fresh fish, especially salmon that fill these rivers. For all large amount of fat they carry around, they are surprisingly agile and quick. They can reach speeds of 35mph in short bursts. But they are slow to increase their body fat because they're tired.
Brown bears, as bears, are loners. They avoid people if they can help it. They only had three wishes in life - to find food, find a partner and avoid danger. Brown bear most active during the morning or late evening. Some even prefer to be nocturnal. This is to prevent loss of body heat that full view in the daytime can cause. Brown bears like to sleep away the hottest hours of the day in their day-bed with a thick canopy of leaves to protect them from heat.
Black Bear
Much to the consternation of many people, black bears are not always black - they are sometimes brown, sometimes brown and sometimes (although rarely) even white! Some black bears have a white patch on their chest. Black bear is smaller than a bear, but undoubtedly very large. Most of the wild man reach up to 400-500 pounds while females vary between 100-300 pounds. Bear weight must depend on season, time of year and age of the bear itself. However, the heaviest known black bear weighed only 880 pounds man cool! Male black bears larger than females and can grow to 60-80 inches tall.
Black bears have very large brains as compatible with the body. This is one of the more intelligent mammals have excellent long-term memory. This black bear has a very good vision and can see quite well close. They see in color. When they relax, make a large black bear grunts, but they scream when they are nervous or irritated. They use their voices to express their emotions. Black bears are excellent swimmers and can swim at least half a mile when they were in fresh water. Black bears can hear and smell far better than most humans as well. For all their weight and clumsiness, black bears are fast runners, faster and faster. They can run uphill, down or flat. Speed depends on the weight of the bear of course. When the bear fat in the winter, they are too hot to quickly and easily tired.
Some black bears active at night, mainly because they want to avoid people. If not, black bears become active a few hours before sunrise, sleeping by day in the course of the day and ended the day with sunset. But this is not a fixed pattern for a few bears to reverse this pattern. Black bears are very good hunters and omnivora in nature. They like to pound their meat and enjoy the fruits, leaves, seeds, vegetables and insects. Black bear adjust their sleep with the availability of food. In the South where food is available throughout the year, bears remain active throughout. But in the North when food is scarce between September and April, they hibernate. Bears that hibernate are usually slow their metabolism to meet the needs of the body to cover the lean months.
Black bears are usually found in deep forests of loss of human population. Starting from Florida to Northern Mexico and from Alaska to Canada. Some black bears moved to open the Tundra even where there are no bears. As a society, are beginning to learn more about bears, they have become more tolerant of bears. However, black bears most happy in a large forest abundant in vegetation, fruits and nuts. Marsh and the rain is the main source of succulent plants, while the river and pond water for cooling and drinking. When mothers have their babies tail like a rest in large trees with wrinkled bark for bedding sites. This is very safe.
Female black bears produce children between 5-7 years. Mating cycles depending on the availability of food. His new born weighing 1-2 kg at birth. Cubs usually stay with their mothers until they are 2-3 years old. When they are ready to marry again, her mother let them. Most black bears can live to 20 years or more if they are not hunted. But the bears that live outside the protection die for human intervention. Therefore, the bears are not protected flat live to 3-6 years.
Panda Bear
Two different species commonly known as Panda Bear - Ailuropoda melanoleuca and Ailurus fulgens.
The Giant Panda
Scientific name for giant pandas - Ailuropoda melanoleuca - translate "black and white cat's paw". Panda name is derived from the Himalayas, Nepal may, but in the west panda term used to refer only to the red panda (Ailurus fulgens). Giant panda bear but the bear called piebald or party-colored bear, until the beginning of the 20th century. Chinese name for giant pandas, Dàxióngmāo, translate "beer bear cat". In several regions, including Taiwan, giant pandas are not mentioned Māoxióng, meaning "bear cat".
Accurate scientific classification of giant pandas has been a lot of debate, but according to recent DNA testing is the giant panda bear family Ursidae. Previously, the giant panda bear is considered by some to be more closely related to the weasel family Procyonidae. Different pandas the other members of the Ursidae family in some way. Where other bears have round eyes, a giant panda bear has a vertical slit that gives a cat like appearance. These students were given the names of the giant pandas as "cat bear beer" and "bear cat" in the original region. Closest relative the giant panda is a bear of South America berkacamata (Tremarctos ornatus).
There are two subspecies of giant panda: Ailuropoda melanoleuca Ailuropoda melanoleuca melanoleuca and qinlingensis. Ailuropoda melanoleuca melanoleuca mainly found in the Sichuan and features a special panda with a different color contrast of white and black colors. Ailuropoda melanoleuca qinlingensis but will display a pattern of dark brown and light brown coat. This will also differ from other subspecies of pandas have smaller skulls and larger molars. Ailuropoda melanoleuca qinlingensis are endemic Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi province and living at an altitude of 1300-3000 meters.
Red Panda
Ailurus fulgens, also known as the red panda, panda and hǔo lower hu. Hǔo hu Chinese name translates "fox fire", and can be used for both the red panda and the red fox. Red panda Xiong mao xiǎo also called on China, which means "little panda." There are two subspecies of red panda: Ailurus fulgens fulgens and Ailurus fulgens styani. Ailurus fulgens fulgens can be found in China, Myanmar and Nepal. These differ from Ailurus fulgens with a slightly smaller and has a fur lither face. Ailurus fulgens styani Burmese found in northern and some parts of China and can be identified by different signs of the face.
Accurate scientific classification of red panda has many debated. Recent DNA tests showed that the red panda is a distant relative of the weasel family Mustelidae, the family Mephitidae the skunk, and raccoon in Procyonidae family. Previously, the red panda is considered a family member Procyonidae raccoon, but today most of the members have agreed to put them in their own families - Ailuridae, in the superfamily Mustelidae. Other members, however, claimed that the red panda must be placed in the bear family Ursidae.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Snow Leopard
Surprising snow leopards are not closely related to leopards or other members of the group Pantherine, although the name can easily mislead one to believe otherwise. Snow leopards show several features that are very different. First of all, the signs of the body in the snow leopards are very different from that of the leopards. The roses and spots on the snow leopards are not clear and given distance apart. Snow leopards do not have a full roll throat. Long fur and feathers of having to protect themselves from extreme cold in the wild mountains. Snow leopards are generally gray in color with yellow tinges in the pelvis, and white fur, belly chin and chest. Snow leopards have a very strong claws which help in climbing and walking on rough terrain while the foot may seem too short for the body.
Often found in the mountains of central Asia, snow leopards seen in Russia, Mongolia, China, Tibet, India and Pakistan. While this may seem like a wide area, the actual bag where snow leopards are found relatively small and scattered. Snow leopards usually can be found at altitudes ranging from 2000-4000 meters, although sometimes they can appear in places higher. Rocky field, such as passing the mountains, caves and outcrops are his favorite. As winter approaches, the cat will come down to the lowland forests to prey on hibernate.
Snow leopards are generally hunt during dawn and dusk and prefer wild sheep and goats as ibex. Musk deer and various types of rabbits and birds are another favorite. The cat is using the cover of darkness to gain and slinks under the sky to jump out of nowhere on his unsuspecting victims. Cats also use camouflage and natural cover from field to profitability. This animal muscle can even bring down prey that 2-3 times more weight, such as the Yak. If the meal is very large, cats will come back for 3-4 days to feed. Cats are solitary hunters except during mating season when one cat may stalk while the other spring. However, unlike the cousin, snow leopards do not attack humans even though they may interfere with the animal if the low food supply.
Snow leopards live in areas where severe to extreme climatic conditions and life was hard. Here only the grace and cunning can survive. Mating season because it's very important for cats if you want to keep lines of life. Female cats usually give birth during the spring, until his son arrived when the food is very warm and strong. The children stayed with their mother for about 20 months and for that they get quite a lot of weight and learn to hunt. Litter size is generally2, although sometimes, she even may bear up to 4 children go tiger.
Total snow leopards are slow but sure decline. The, soft fur gray to white from leopards to work against it when it comes to hunting and hunters. Many Chinese medicine also uses bone snow leopards. These factors coupled with a general decline in the species because of the huge pressure put food on the longevity of their line. All this has been true to bring the snow leopards in the IUCN list of endangered animals. But hard work and public awareness is the only way in which species can be protected.
Ocelot Cat
Ocelot cat has a body yellow / golden brown, decorated with dots and black-eyed irregular lines of dark brown. Decorations serve as camouflage and lets the cat Ocelot to stay hidden in the woods and forests. Layer of yellow / golden brown underlying vary depending on the type of environment where Ocelot cats. Forest life Ocelot cat will usually show the basic colors yellow or even dark brown, while the Ocelot cats that live in dry environment will benefit from a layer of cream-colored pale and more.
Perfect cat Ocelot adapted to life in the dense environment to grow. It is equipped with eyes big and strong and has exceptional vision even when the light rare. They can climb, and want to get long hair during the day, but most of the hunting took place on land where they eat the rodents and amphibians. Ocelot is a night cat active, and using the center stalk prey odor and sharp vision for the final attack. Ocelot cat will also include small monkeys, birds and snakes in the food and can also catch fish. This is a skilled swimmer. If the cat Ocelot had the opportunity, they will hesitate to attack pets such as birds and young pigs. Ocelot cats but will prevent animals larger than itself, and the majority of victims is much smaller than 20 - £ 35 Ocelot cat. This means that the adult pigs, dogs, etc. will not be considered victims. Wild dogs and foxes really Ocelot cat will attack and eat them.
Ocelot is a region of up to 3 square miles and Ocelot cat will use the dirt to mark its territory. Ocelot cats can be very territorial and hard to defend territory against each other Ocelot cat. Territorial disputes can even cause death, but some Ocelots seem to accept other members of the same sex during the day when you do not compete for food. Ocelot cat has been seen resting together in the same tree during the day. Male and female cats can also share the same area. Ocelot male cat will make the trip much longer than her every night, and a male territories can overlap so that several women. Some sources claim that Ocelot cats are solitary animals and that cats, male and female meet only to mate. But other sources reported on the men and women form couples, to hunt together and even produce voice mengiau to keep in touch.
Ocelot cats usually female will be ready to breed at the age of 18 months, and will continue to breed until 13 years or more. Ocelot cat breeding age males span 15 months to 15 years. Ocelots rare wild plants older than 15 years. Breeding will often occur between September and November, but the Ocelot cat can breed for the rest of this year. Females will set the space in the cave, shrub or tree grows dense hollow. Thorny vegetation appreciated. Ocelot at the time of pregnancy for about 70-80 days. A special stretcher will consist of 2-4 young. New-born cat Ocelot has closed eyes and dark coat. When they are around 2 months, they will follow their mother out of the workspace. Ocelot kittens remain with their mothers until they are 2 years old.
Perfect cat Ocelot adapted to life in the dense environment to grow. It is equipped with eyes big and strong and has exceptional vision even when the light rare. They can climb, and want to get long hair during the day, but most of the hunting took place on land where they eat the rodents and amphibians. Ocelot is a night cat active, and using the center stalk prey odor and sharp vision for the final attack. Ocelot cat will also include small monkeys, birds and snakes in the food and can also catch fish. This is a skilled swimmer. If the cat Ocelot had the opportunity, they will hesitate to attack pets such as birds and young pigs. Ocelot cats but will prevent animals larger than itself, and the majority of victims is much smaller than 20 - £ 35 Ocelot cat. This means that the adult pigs, dogs, etc. will not be considered victims. Wild dogs and foxes really Ocelot cat will attack and eat them.
Ocelot is a region of up to 3 square miles and Ocelot cat will use the dirt to mark its territory. Ocelot cats can be very territorial and hard to defend territory against each other Ocelot cat. Territorial disputes can even cause death, but some Ocelots seem to accept other members of the same sex during the day when you do not compete for food. Ocelot cat has been seen resting together in the same tree during the day. Male and female cats can also share the same area. Ocelot male cat will make the trip much longer than her every night, and a male territories can overlap so that several women. Some sources claim that Ocelot cats are solitary animals and that cats, male and female meet only to mate. But other sources reported on the men and women form couples, to hunt together and even produce voice mengiau to keep in touch.
Ocelot cats usually female will be ready to breed at the age of 18 months, and will continue to breed until 13 years or more. Ocelot cat breeding age males span 15 months to 15 years. Ocelots rare wild plants older than 15 years. Breeding will often occur between September and November, but the Ocelot cat can breed for the rest of this year. Females will set the space in the cave, shrub or tree grows dense hollow. Thorny vegetation appreciated. Ocelot at the time of pregnancy for about 70-80 days. A special stretcher will consist of 2-4 young. New-born cat Ocelot has closed eyes and dark coat. When they are around 2 months, they will follow their mother out of the workspace. Ocelot kittens remain with their mothers until they are 2 years old.
White Tigers Animal
White tiger Bengal tiger born from a recessive gene that produces their full layer of white descent. While most white tigers have a white coat with black stripes on it, a rare white tiger is really white. Some white tigers have a pink nose and white to off-white stucco with gray, black or chocolate colored stripes on them. Their eyes most of the blue, though sometimes they have a yellow or green eyes. Although the white tigers are very popular because of their exotic appearance, there is very little of them left. In India alone, less than 20 of the tigers have been seen in the last 100 years or more.
Some of the white tiger was found in the local proposals and the zoo, where they attract the public. While the white tiger is found in the wild is not sub species, which grows white tiger in captivity usually yield a cross between two species. Although various kinds of Bengal Tigers have a special colored mantle of fire, they have a gene for white. Rare, and because the cross, a white tiger also occurs in species of Siberian or Amur, too. Several Amur tigers are Bengal tigers married. So in addition to white tigers and white Bengal tigers have also Amurs generic white races.
White tiger also called chinchilla tigers or tiger ice, showing the name of their white suits and not their habitat. White tigers are not albino. A pure white tiger, in one of the rare sightings in the wild, have been described to have a completely white fur with a line pattern seen under reflected light. Stripeless very rare white tigers.
White tiger is believed to have certain characteristics that differ from their peers more generally. This tigers grow faster and therefore more weight than their cousins. White tiger is believed to have better vision and sprinter as well. No doubt, the white tiger is much more beautiful and attractive. But beauty also brought condemnation, what with so many people ready to boil and chop. To meet their demands, the white tiger breeding usually suffer from depression due to marital flesh. Previously, a deliberate attempt to produce a white tiger cub by mating closely related tiger has resulted in a dramatic toll on his descendants. Breeding father to daughter and brother with brother is causing a surge in the number of them. Typical signs of depression include captivity curved spine, crossed eyes, short neck and legs bent. As inbreeding worsen, the number of stillborn babies and abortions also rose, and some baby birds often die from the disease last a mystery. Because all these factors working against them, the white tigers in captivity generally grow shorter than the age of their cousin.
Pressure from the industry who are willing to buy a white tiger with selangit price has caused the situation worsens. In some parts of the world, competition is intense that her pickles are usually killed at birth. White tiger revered in some traditions with them as God preying China West. In S. Korean white tiger is a symbol of Yin and Yang and the Hundu mythology, the white tiger is considered as an incarnation of God. In India, it is even believed that killing a white tiger can cause death within one year. Unfortunately, all myth but do not help keep the number of white tigers.
Jaguar Cats Animal
Animal jaguar (Panthera onca) is a large cat found in South America and the southern part of the North American continent. Animal jaguar is the most powerful cats in the United States and one of the larger members of the cat family Felidae. For possession of a round head and body are strong, sometimes referred to as the "bulldog" of the cat world.
Jaguar animal considered a "big cat" referred to in conjunction with other well-known-and even bigger - big cats such as lions and tigers. Jaguar animal will usually reach a length 1.62 to1.83 meters (5.3 to 6 feet), not including the tail which is usually about 75 cm (30 inches) long. Shoulder high jaguar animal usually between 67 and 76 cm (27 and 30 inches). Later the largest known specimen jaguar weighing more than 150 kg (333 pounds), but the jaguar live in around 56-96 kg (124-211 lb). The female jaguar is usually about 20 percent smaller than the male jaguar. The jaguars that live in Central America and Mexico are usually smaller than the jaguar from other districts. A male jaguar animals from this area will rarely grow larger than 56 kg (123 lb), while women tend to live about 40 kg (90 lb).
The same jaguar looks similar to leopards, jaguars animals are heavier and have a stronger body shape. You can tell by looking at two separate cat called roses. The rose is a black ring around the place sometimes features found on some wild cats. Leopards have similar symptoms, but rarely will show roses with spots on it. The roses will be much smaller in tiger and leopard, jaguar animal, while the larger has roses and a little more than a darker color. The solid line that surrounds the small spots are very common in animal jaguar.
Background layer of the animal jaguar will usually have orange or yellow color. Of black roses and many more spots because that would contrast sharply with the paler background. However, you can search for jaguars in which the signs are almost invisible, because the black background layer is not yellow / orange. This is called Melanisme, and animal jaguar who have this condition called black panthers. Black panther cat species because it was not, which is a variant of the leopards. If you look closely, you can actually see the roses and places even on the black panthers.
The male jaguar animal become sexually adult when 3-4 years, while the female jaguar animal usually reach sexual maturity at age 2-3. Normal gestation period for animals jaguar is a jaguar 90-110 days and litter can consist of up to four young people. Newborn jaguar with eyes closed and will not be able to see until they were approximately two weeks. They will live with their mother until they are two years old. After this, they should start looking for their own territory. Depending on the animal jaguar habitat will claim a territory consisting of 25-150 square kilometers. In the wild, jaguars animals rarely grow older than 11 years. Jaguar treated well in captivity can reach the age of 20 years.
Siberian Tiger
Siberian tiger is also known as Amur tiger, Manchurian tiger, the tiger and Northeast China tiger Ussurian. Latin name of Panthera tigris is altaicia.
Siberian tiger can reach a length 130 inches (286 cm) making it the largest of the different variants of the tiger. Siberian tiger has a very large nose than other tiger variants and male Siberian tigers usually have manes. The length of a special body for a male Siberian tiger is 106-130 inches (233.2 to 286 cm) while the female is smaller and usually live between 95 and 108 inches (209 and 237.6 cm). Macan measured from nose to tip of tail. Their male Siberian tiger is much heavier than the female tiger and usually weight 419-675 lb (190-306 kg). Male Siberian tiger really big weight 800 pounds (364 kg) or more. Female Siberian tigers tend to live in the vicinity of 221-368 lb (101-168 kg).
Mantle of the Siberian tiger is orange and slightly paler than other tiger subspecies mantle of. There is also a very pale variant known as the White Siberian tiger. Both variants have brown stripes very much space as compared with black lines and the narrow space of the other subspecies. Belly white.
Siberian tigers living wild in eastern Russia, northeastern China and North Korea. Previously, wild Siberian tigers can also be found in southeastern Russia and South Korea. Siberian tiger a near extinct in the wild, but has the largest captive population of all the different subspecies of tiger. Estimates claim that there are between 350 and 500 wild Siberian tigers, but we still do not know the total course. In the captive population, about 500 specimens of the conservation program, including the Species Survival Program (SSP). Most of the specimens was down from 83 Siberian tigers captured from nature. Many scientists agree that this population is large enough to be stable and genetically diverse.
Siberian tiger wild boar hunting, especially deer and wild, and every Siberian tigers require large territories. Male Siberian tiger would try to claim territory around 800 to 1.000 km2 (309-390 mile2), while women generally claim about 100-400 km2 (39-154 mile2). Typical range for Siberian tigers is birch forest and scrub oak areas.
In Russia, a known amount of wild Siberian tigers are not larger than 24 specimens in the 1940s. In 1994, estimates show the population of Russia 150-200 tigers and three years later this figure rose to 360-400. The total increase for conservation efforts and the hedge to be appointed in Russia: Kedrovaya Pad, Sikhote-Alin and Lazovsky. Because the Russian tiger explore a wide area and across the Russian border, exactly the number of tigers in Russia is naturally difficult to determine. Chinese and North Korean tiger population is much smaller and estimates show that currently there are less than 35 Siberian tigers in China.
Bengal Tiger
"Tiger, tiger burning bright
in the jungle night,
What immortal hand or eye
Symmetry can frame thy fear? "
- William Blake -
That glory, mystical charm of the government of Bengal Tiger has inspired poets, artists, painters, photographers and millions of admirers around the world. But, sad to say, Bengal tiger is a species decline, barely holding on the existence of bounds.
Largest member of the family cat, tiger or "Panthera Tigris' is a hunter, graceful solitary. Bengal tiger found in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China and Nepal. Latest Census pegs sheer number of people in 3500. In the 1970s this number had reached all time low of 1200. But through concerted efforts and wildlife protection NGOs, persuaded the government of India tiger numbers and carefully preserved in sacred places and the zoo. An unfortunate fall out of the artificial environment in which these tigers that are kept is that the tigers have lost their genetic purity. Tigers who was born and raised in captivity show genetic variation. That is, if this trend continues, it is possible that the Bengal tiger as we know it now will be really spoiled in a few years.
Among the Bengal tiger, the most preferred species, rare and interesting is the white tiger. This is very rare that in about 100 years only 12 white tigers have been seen all over India. Good subspecies or a mixture of clever made, white tigers are pure white with black lines, as opposed to a normal tiger orangish coat. White tigers are generally descendants of the Bengal tiger that has a specific recessive gene needed for white coloring. Interestingly, the pure white tiger free from even karakteristiknya lines, although this is very rare.
Hunting wildlife, felling trees and hunting - these are three main reasons which have caused the decline of tiger populations. Bengal tigers also mistakenly viewed as a predatory male, though usually the tiger did not eat human flesh. This is their wildlife Menyusutnya that forced some of the tigers have lost hope. Bengal Tigers, like all tigers are very strong, muscular and agile. They are very good swimmers though they generally avoid climbing trees. Their favorite foods include deer, sambar, deer, elephants, deer and Gaur. Tiger runners not hard, they usually stalk their prey and pounce. Once they had killed the victim, the tiger back the dead preying for 3-5 feed. After a heavy meal, usually tiger hungry for several days.
Number of children born tiger Bengal tiger in the wild naturally decrease. A healthy litter usually consists of 4 pieces baby, from which two survive until adulthood. The children weaned at the time they reached the age of 6 months. After this, they follow its mother for about one year, for a period they learn to become a good hunter. Mother may remove the children as she was preparing for a new litter from her, after this the tiger away from their original territory and build their own.
Bengal tiger, killing as a sport and entertainment from the heydays of the British Raj to the present is bleak reminder of how close people come to defeat all forms of life on earth. Even the brilliant Bengal Tiger is known for the strength of body and mind can not hold its own against the cruelty of man.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Siamese Cat
The people of Siam (Thai: วิเชียร มา ศ, RTGS: Wichianmat) is one of the descendants of the first clearly recognized Oriental cat. Breed originated in Thailand (then known as Siam), where they are one of the original race number and called Wichian Mat (วิเชียร มา ศ, name meaning "moon diamond"). In the 20th century Siamese cat became one of the most popular race in Europe and North America.
Siam Thai people or traditional Siamese shares some features with modern (for example, coat color patterns and short individuals, although not as short and "drawn" as modern), but differs in the head and body type. It has a "foreign" type (not elongate, leg, bending, but in reality, with Boning is) not "oriental" type as in the modern Siamese and Oriental descent and have a modified wedge head, with rounded cheeks of a wedge-shaped nozzle projects (or "Marten face" as mentioned in the explanation of the 19th century). Large enough ear higher than the modern Siamese. Eyes are medium to slightly large, almond shape but was not very "oriental."
Breed standards of the modern Siamese have shown a body, elegant, sleek, stylish, flexible and muscular. The head is triangular, with a good nose.
Eyes are almond shaped and oblique, with large wide based ears are placed more towards the side of the head. This position should form a perfect triangle from the tip of the nose end of each ear. It has an elegant long neck and slender body and thin tail. Fur short, shiny, smooth, soft, strong, and to comply with the lower layers of the body is not. Siam those marked with a special color scheme pointed.
Pointed pattern is a form of partial albinism, resulting from a mutation in tyrosinase, an enzyme involved in melanin production. Mutated enzyme is heat-sensitive;. Failed to work at normal body temperature, but becomes active in the area cool on the skin This led to the dark coloration in the coolest part of the body of cats, including the extremities and face, which is cooled by the air through the sinuses. All children Siamese cat, although pure cream or white at birth, develop visible points in the first few months of life in colder parts of their bodies. At four-week-old kitten, eye-eye must be clearly distinguishable enough to recognize their color. Siamese cats tend to dark with age, and generally adult Siamese living in warm climates have lighter than their jackets in winter. Initially most of the Siamese had seal (extremely dark brown, almost black) eyes, but sometimes Siam was born with blue (cool gray) points, the genetic influence of dilution on seal point (lighter brown) brown eyes, seal genetic variation point, or purple (pale warm gray) points, genetically dilusian chocolate. The colors were at first considered "inferior" seal points, and are not eligible to show or breed. All shades finally accepted by the breed associations, and become more common through breeding programs specifically aimed at producing these colors. Later, outcrosses with other descendants who developed Siamese-mix cats with points in other cat colors and patterns including red and cream point, lynx (cat) point, and tortoise-shell ("tortie") point.
In England, all pointed Siamese-style cats are considered as part of the Siamese breed. In the United States, registry of cats, Cat breeders Association, considers only the four original colourations as Siamese: seal point, blue point, chocolate point, and the purple dot. Oriental cats with colourpoints in color or pattern other than the four considered Shorthairs in luxury cat colorpoint America.
Many Siamese cats from Thailand had a rigidity in their heads, but for many years, these properties are considered as disabled and farmers has been largely eradicated, although still some street cats in Thailand. Siamese cats also have a variety of optics. Same albino allele that produces colored eyes blue eyes means that they do not have tapetum lucidum, which strengthens the structure glimmer in the eyes of other cats. Mutation in tyrosinase also produces abnormal nerve connections between the eye and brain kiasme uncrossed optic cable has abnormal. Early Siamese squint much to compensate, but as a twisted tail, crossed eyes have been seen as an offense and because of the nature of selective breeding is far less common today. Unlike many other blue-eyed white cats, Siamese cats do not have the capability hearing.
Siam is usually very dear and intelligent cats, renowned for their social nature. Many enjoy the togetherness with the people and is sometimes described as "extrovert". Often they bond strongly to one person. Some Siamese are very vocal, with low-pitched loud noise - known as "Meezer", from where they had a name they call - compared with a human baby crying, and persistent in demanding attention. These cats are usually active and funny, even as adults, and often described as more dog-like in behavior from other cats.
They are sometimes less active at night than during the day most of the cats, probably due to their lack of tapetum lucidum night view of the poor relative to other cats.
Based on the Swedish insurance data, which revealed Siamese and Siamese breeds have a higher mortality rate compared with other races. The average lifespan of Siamese is somewhere between 10 to 12.5 years. Survival of 12.5 years was 42%. Based on the statistics of Sweden, the majority of deaths caused by neoplasms, tumors, especially milk. The Siamese also have higher levels of morbidity. Those who are at high risk of neoplastic and gastrointestinal problems, but have a lower risk of urinary tract disease the cat. It should be noted that the Swedish insurance data detected only cat to 12.5 years, and estimated that less than 50% of the pure-bred cats insured in Sweden. In addition, the data do not distinguish between breed cats and cats spayed / dikebiri, the second group had a lower incidence of certain types of cancer (when spayed / dikebiri early enough), the data do not distinguish between indoor / outdoor and indoor-only cats (in the room The only cat has no risk of trauma in a traffic accident, and tend to contract or virus infection from other cats).
The most common abnormality of PRA-Progressive retinal atrophy in cats (among them the Abyssinian, the Somali people and a large group of related Siamese descent) associated with mutations in the gene rdAc-and-ready DNA test.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Bengal Cat
Bengal cat is a kind of hybrid, formed by the cross of the domestic cat and Asian leopard cat (ALC), bengalensis bengalensis Prionailurus.
Bengal cat has a desirable "wild" appearance with large dots, roses, and abdomen bright / white, and body structure reminiscent of the ALC. Bengal has a gentle temperament of domestic cats, so long separated by at least three generations of the original cross between domestic cats and ALC.
The name "Bengal cat" is derived from Asian leopards taxonomic cat (P. bengalensis b.), And not of the Bengal tiger in connection further.
Bengal cats have a "wild look" signs, such as large spots, roses, and abdomen bright / white, and body structure reminiscent of the leopard cat. A Bengal rosetted spots occur only in the back and sides, with stripes elsewhere. His descendants are usually also feature "mascara" (horizontal striping alongside the eyes) and foreleg striping.
Bengal cats are usually better classified as brown spots or snow (although there are more colors, brown and snow was colored only Bengal that the House leadership Cat Fancy (English) acknowledges). In brown Bengals, good or mark-striped marble. Included in the rosetted spotted variety, consisting of a dark place with a line around it. Snow Bengals are good marble or see, but also divided into blue eyes or eye color of each other.
International Cat Association Bengal recognizes several colors (brown, seal lynx point, mink, sepia, silver) and patterns (spotted and marble) for the competition. New properties of the class, other colors can be displayed, as well as the longhairs.
After three generations of the original intersection, temperament breed cats usually get soft in the state; However, the typical pet owner, Bengal cats kept as pets must be at least four generations (F4) are removed from the leopard cat. Called the "cat" policy from the first three generations of breeding to serve (F1-F3) are usually provided for the purpose of breeding or special pet home environment.
Himalayan Cat
Himalayan cats are kind of long-haired cats identical in type to Persia, with the exception of blue eyes and color of the dot, which is derived from the intersection of Persia and Siam. Although the same lineage was there for hundreds of years, the Persian Colourpoint, as commonly called in Europe, a new beginning in the late 1950s .
While the Himalayas is considered as a separate breed from the Persian by the International Cat Association, it is grouped together with the Persian and Exotic Shorthair (Persian-haired version) under the "Persian Breed Group standard" . Cat breeders' association considers the color variations of Himalayan Persian is not a separate breed, even though they compete in the color of their own. To the color of the breed named Himalaya: Himalayan reference to animal coloration, especially the Himalayan rabbit.
Such as Persian cats, Himalayan cats tend to have round (cobby) body with short legs, which makes it more difficult for them to jump as high as other cats do. Some people have more than Siam as the body [citation needed], even, and can jump as high as seven feet [quote required].
Like the Persians, there are two types of cat Himalaya, Traditional or Doll Face and Ultra directive or face the more extreme 'trapped' face. Seal point Himalayan to the left is the doll faced Himalayan whereas purple dot on the picture is the face of a directive or ultra.
Like many long-haired cats, Himalayans need to be combed every day to care for them find the best coat and healthy. In addition, they may need their face wiped daily, depending on the cat. Bathing a Himalayan is also recommended by some breeders, to help reduce the amount of oil in cat fur and skin. Fur on the body of a Himalayan is white or beige, but the eyes come in different colors: Seal (or black), blue, purple, brown, red (fire), and cream. Points can also be a tortoiseshell cat or motivated. Chocolate and lilac point Himalayans are the most difficult to produce, because both parents must carry the gene for brown / purple to brown or purple produce kittens, as the trait is autosomal recessive.
Burmese Cat
Burmese (Thai: ศุภ ลักษณ์ RTGS: Suphalak meaning fortunate, beautiful, and splendid appearance) is a kind of cats are divided into two sub groups: Burmese Burmese American and English (and not to be confused with "Sacred Burma cat," is concerned, see Birman ). The most modern Burmese are the descendants of a female cat named Wong Mau, who was taken from Burma to the United States in 1930. Registrar of cats that do not recognize the split between the two groups, but they are not officially refer to the type developed by British cat breeders as the European Burmese .
Originally, Burmese cats were exclusively brown dark (black color), but years of selective breeding has produced a variety of colors. Different societies have different rules about which counted as Burmese. Burmese cat known for its sociable and friendly with humans, and very smart. They are also very vocal, and often call for the owners.
Received eye color to breed is gold or yellow. Known as a glossy coat, with a satin like finishing. Like most short hair, does not require additional treatment. Form of the English breed more moderate, but not to be Oriental, while the American breed is more robust in build. Pedigree cats live longer than large, they often reach 16 to 18 years. Burmese are small to medium size breed and tend to be around 4-6 kg of body weight.
Burmese are vocal like the Siamese but have softer, sweeter meows. They are very dear and enjoy the company, to be oriented breed who form a strong bond with their owners and are attracted to human activity. Burmese require appropriate amount of human attention, not as free as other ethnic groups and is not suitable to be left alone for a long time. Cat Breeders' Association (CFA) breed information on the Burmese implies that all survival instinct flight or fight seems to have been bred from them. However, other sources noted that, while rarely aggressive with humans, Burmese cats can defend themselves well against other cats, even those bigger than themselves.
Keeping cats Burmese-like interests and energy throughout their adulthood. They have a number of features such as dogs, often learn to play to take and tag. Burmese good with children and dogs. They are suitable as a cat breed in the room, usually will stay more comfortable if kept in a room and feel comfortable moving in the car.
As a result of separate breeding programs, British Burmese different from American Burmese. Developing English tends to be more Oriental, more triangular face, while the American Burmese chubby and round the body, head, eyes, and feet. Has a real cheek and snout full of short, sometimes called "pug-like". On the type of English, both "cobbiness" American Burmese and Siamese influence long seen clearly in the breed today is considered serious, and even cancellation of errors.
Since the difference other than a black / brown was there, there has been conflict in the world of difference cats prefer to be Burmese. In England, all the colors under the House leadership is recognized by Cat Fancy, the results of British cat associations. In the United States, the color depends on the cat received at the registry of registered cats. For example, luxury Cat Association recognizes only the first four colors below. All varieties should gradually overshadowing from darker backs to lighter hamsters. There should be no restrictions or patches.
- Brown (British, AUS)), Sable (USA), Seal (NZ)
- Blue (gray)
- Chocolate (English) or Champagne (USA)
- Lilac (English) or Platinum (U.S.)
- red
- cream
- Brown Tortoiseshell
- chocolate Tortoiseshell
- lilac Tortoiseshell
- blue Tortoiseshell
Variants with more limited recognition:
- cinnamon
- fawn
- cinnamon tortie
- fawn tortie
- caramel
- carmel tortie
- apricots
variety of experimental
A new color mutations have emerged in line Burmese who grew up in New Zealand and trial breeding program began in 2007 to reproduce the color of the new Burmese and learn more about them. This color is called color pigment and dark brown in fading the cats' coats as they grow while still an orange pigment.
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